"A sophisticated relationship comedy . . . lyrical . . . adventurous filmmaking."
-- Mick LaSalle, SF CHRONICLE / Review"SEXY, mischievous, and provocative, L AND D is a singular moviegoing experience."
-- Bernard Boo, WAY TOO INDIE / Review"Like a demonic, San Franciscan response to Wim Wenders' Berlin-based WINGS OF DESIRE."
-- Sherilyn Connelly, SF WEEKLY / Review
Two demons — slinging sex, drugs, and chaos — attack the lives of a struggling couple.
Written and Directed by JP Allen
Director of Photography, Daniel Teixeira-Gomes
Produced by Cathy Montosa
"Unusual, wildly original, and ultimately insightful."
-- David-Elijah Nahmod, SF WEEKLY / Article/Interview"Like a modern-day version of something out of Grimm."
-- Pam Grady, SF CHRONICLE / Article/Interview"RAISING REEL HELL"
-- SF Bay Guardian Intelligence / Review"Temptations ahoy! . . . intriguing look at modern love."
-- Cheryl Eddy, SF BAY GUARDIAN"Absolutely the funniest comedy in a long time . . . a fascinating script."
-- Lee Hartgrave, BEYOND CHRON / Review
L AND D premiered at LANDMARK'S OPERA PLAZA CINEMA in San Francisco with related screenings at the ROXIE THEATERand the SMITH RAFAEL FILM CENTER
VE AND DEMONS is perhaps the most visually aggressive of all nine C AND L feature films. The script, a comedy, was written during the production of CENTAUR and has a similar structure.
In 2011, Canadian actress/playwright Lucia Frangione expressed interest in working on the project when she was starring in, appropriately, NO EXIT (Sartre's play about four characters trapped in hell), at American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. Chris Pflueger returns for his fifth major role with C AND L, and Arnica Skulstad Brown plays a lead troublemaker in this demonic romance.
Everyone has their Demons . . .
Chris Pflueger
Lucia Frangione
JP Allen
Arnica Skulstad Brown
Original Music by
John Dole and Precious Mud
Rossana Fiero
Jim Hodgkinson/Lucia Frangione
and Shoulders